
  • Rakhimberlinova Zh.B.
  • Takibayeva A.T.
  • Nazarova O.G.
  • Iskakov A.R.
  • Musina G.N.
  • Kulakov I.V.

Ключевые слова:

soot, activation, electrochemical installations, air ionization, atmospheric pollution, ecology, initiation, carbon conversion, aeroionizers, cyclones, scrubbers, electrofilters


This article presents the results of joint research of "ABsalut Ecology" LLP with Karstu of industrial
electrochemical aeroion plants B30-500 and AP-21, capable of cleaning technological gas emissions from toxic
impurities SO2 (at least 90%), NOx (at least 80%), CO2 (at least 90%) and dust particles (99.9%); with the return to
production of part of the burned carbon (in the form of fine soot).
It was found that in the discharge zone of the V30-500 and AP-21 installations, the active factors affecting the
chemical process are: high voltage of the electric field ; secondary ionization of substances; polarization of
molecules; high temperature; photoionization; microwave radiation; shock wave. Two processes take place
simultaneously in the reaction zone of the plants: activation and reduction of CO2, CO, NOx, and SO2 oxides to
elementary substances in the core of the electronic injector.
Reduction of CO2, CO, NOx, and SO2 oxides in the reaction zone proceeds simultaneously by various
mechanisms: catalytic reduction and dissociation. It is established that the catalytic system in the installation is an
electronic injector, which serves as a source of active particles that determine the rate of chemical reactions.
Reducing agents CO, NH3 are present in the gas to be treated , and are also formed in the reaction zone of the plant.
As a result of the reactions, elementary substances are formed. The speed constants of elementary processes in a
discharge strongly depend on the electric field strength, and the speed of individual processes may depend in a nonlinear way on the current density, so by changing these parameters, you can change the selectivity and speed of
recovery processes in the installation.
It is shown that ionization and dissociative processes with the formation of various radicals and ions are feasible
in non-equilibrium weakly ionized plasma. The degree of capture of aerosols and dust increases with a decrease in
the size of dust-like particles, and in dry electric filters, on the contrary, falls to zero.
The ways of increasing the efficiency of technological gas treatment plants (geometric parameters of new
plants, increasing their productivity, using new high-voltage power sources, flotation and filtration devices, and
dispatching control systems) were determined.
The efficiency of the gas treatment plant does not decrease when the particle size of the captured aerosols
decreases, starting from the size of about 5 microns and lower, the cleaning efficiency approaches 100%.
The research results are shown as graphs that show the concentration of gas before and after treatment. The
degree of air purification from dust particles and aerosol impurities ranges from 60% to 99%.




Как цитировать

Rakhimberlinova Zh.B., Takibayeva A.T., Nazarova O.G., Iskakov A.R., Musina G.N., & Kulakov I.V. (2020). ACTIVATION METHOD OF CLEANING PROCESS GAS. Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологии, (3), 73–79. извлечено от