SOLUTION OF PRIVATE TASKS OF CYLINDRICAL SHEAR WAVES (in the case of the distribution of constant values γ-α + 2> 0 and α = β)


  • A. Seitmuratov Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
  • M.Zh Aitimov Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
  • A. Seitkhanova Pavlodar Pedagogical University, Pavlodar, Kazakhstan
  • A. Ostayeva Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
  • Е. Tulegenova Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
  • D. Janyssova Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda State University, Kyzylorda, Kazakhstan
  • T. Shamilov Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction, Azerbaijan, Baku

Ключевые слова:

deformable bodies, shear wave, vibrations, cylindrical shell, rod, viscoelastic medium.


Many studies usually use two methods to determine wave characteristics.
First-The instantaneous state of the medium corresponding to a certain fixed moment of time is investigated.
Second-The change in time of the state of the body in question at some fixed point is investigated.
If studies are carried out taking into account the rheological properties of the material of the system in question
or, if there is an environment surrounding the system, which also generally exhibits rheological properties, the use of
these methods is significantly difficult. In such cases, the influence of rheological parameters on the components of
the complex phase velocity at certain values of the vibration frequencies is studied.




Как цитировать

Seitmuratov, A., Aitimov, M., Seitkhanova, A., Ostayeva, A., Tulegenova Е., Janyssova, D., & Shamilov, T. (2020). SOLUTION OF PRIVATE TASKS OF CYLINDRICAL SHEAR WAVES (in the case of the distribution of constant values γ-α + 2> 0 and α = β). Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, (6), 19–26. извлечено от