
  • R. Safin Kazakh University Ways of Communications
  • M. Amreev Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunication
  • T. Pavlova Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunication
  • E. Temyrkanova Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunication
  • Y. Garmashova Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunication

Ключевые слова:

security television systems, robust filtering, lighting devices.


The paper presents the results of determining the areas of application of a laboratory stand designed
for studying and researching CCTV systems.
The necessity of research of video cameras of the security alarm system, their testing at the organization of
production and expediency of carrying out laboratory works by students of higher education institutions studying
security systems is shown. The state of affairs in this area in post-Soviet countries is shown. Some requirements of
the State educational standard on informativeness and expansion of opportunities of laboratory stands are given. The
input parameters necessary for the design of video camera research stands are considered. The results of the study of
the developed laboratory stand for the study and study of security television systems and the definition of areas for
its application are presented. The structure of the stand and its parts is proposed. Developed recommendations for its
use are given. The experience of conducting laboratory work on the study of the characteristics of security alarm
cameras is analyzed. The possibility of studying robust filtering on the noise immunity of the video system, the
influence of the illumination spectrum on the main qualitative characteristics of the video camera using the proposed
stand is shown. A list of suggested to run the stand includes laboratory work “Studying the parameters, operation
modes and configuration of video surveillance system NOVUS”, “the Study of possibilities of various types of
cameras when changing the light and characterization of the sensitivity of various types of cameras, Definition of
focal length, angle of view and resolution of different types of cameras and lenses, Definition of the working area of
observation, the far and the dead zone for various types of cameras and lenses”, "Determination of conditionally dead
zones for different recording speeds of the DVR and at different focal lengths” and" Determination of the volume
and quality of recorded information from the value of the recording speed of the DVR”, as well as research works
“The signal processing with variable spectrum”, “the Influence of robust filtering for noise immunity video”,
“Influence of illumination spectrum on the main qualitative characteristics of the camera” and “Comparative
performance of analog and digital cameras.”




Как цитировать

Safin, R., Amreev, M., Pavlova, T., Temyrkanova, E., & Garmashova, Y. (2021). DEFINITION OF APPLICATION FIELD OF THE STAND FOR THE VIDEO MONITORING SYSTEMS INVESTIGATION. Известия НАН РК. Серия физико-математическая, (2), 115–120. извлечено от