
  • Z. K. Ayupova Kazakh national agrarian university, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • D. U. Kussainov Kazakh national pedagogical university named after Abai, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • Winston Nagan University of Michigan, USA

Ключевые слова:

legal system, legal family, legislation, codification, judicial decision, judicial precedent, administrative precedent, conflicts, reforms, systematization.


The article presents a General description of the legal systems of the Scandinavian countries. The
authors come to the conclusion that the common historical roots, the closest political, economic and cultural ties
predetermined the existence of similar features in the legal systems of these States. At the same time, the Scandinavian
legal systems have features typical of the Anglo-Saxon and Romano-German legal families. Legal systems
in Scandinavian countries are divided into two groups. The first includes Denmark, Norway and Iceland, the right of
which historically evolved on the basis of almost identical in their content compilations Danish and Norwegian law,
implemented in the second half of the XVII century the second group includes Sweden and Finland. The analysis of
modern legal systems of Scandinavian countries shows some commonality of Scandinavian and Romano-German
law. First of all, it is manifested in the similarity of sources of legal regulation. In the Scandinavian countries, the law
is the main source of law, and the courts formally cannot, by resolving a particular dispute, create legal norms. This
is the most significant difference between the Nordic and common law.





Как цитировать

Z. K. Ayupova, D. U. Kussainov, & Winston Nagan. (2019). LEGAL SYSTEM OF SCANDINAVIAN COUNTRIES. «Вестник НАН РК», (4), 102–109. извлечено от