
  • Griksas Styapas Antanovich
  • Kalashnikov Valery Vasilievich
  • Dzhanabekova Gulmira Kumiskalievna
  • Funikov Grigori Albertovich
  • Ovchinnikov Anatoly Viktorovich
  • Kulmakova Natalia Ivanovna
  • Epifanov Victor Gennadiyevich
  • KhramtsovVitaly Vasilyevich
  • Sarimbekova Saule Nurgaliyevna
  • Erezhepova Makpal Shamakhanovna

Ключевые слова:

young pigs, domestic breeding, Canadian breeding, growth rate, average daily gains, slaughter weight, slaughter yield.


In the conditions of large pig breeding complexes in the raw material base of Smolmyaso OJSC and
Pavlovskaya Sloboda Meat Processing Plant OJSC, in the period of 2010-2015, research and production experience
was conducted to study the productivity and biological features of domestic and western breeding pigs. Experimental
young stock from 2 months age till reaching the live weight of 100 kg was kept in the control growing. The
conditions of keeping, feeding and slaughter of young pigs were identical. When young pigs reached 95-105 kg in
live weight, they were evaluated by their own productivity and slaughter indices.
In the process of research, it was found that among the domestic and Canadian young stock, the highest
precocity and growth rate was characterized by three-breed hybrid young stock, obtained by crossing hybrid sows
with Duroc boars. The results of the control slaughter showed that among the domestic and Canadian young stock,
the best slaughter indices were characterized by the three-breed hybrid young.
It was established that the three-breed cross young pigs of the Canadian breeding reached the pre-slaughter live
weight 22 days earlier compared to the domestic one, the average daily weight gain was 134.1 g higher, the slaughter
yield was 2.3% higher. Thus, the three-breed commercial young stock of Canadian breeding reliably surpasses the
pigs of domestic breeding.
The calculation of the economic efficiency of growing young pigs shows that the additional income from the
sale of 1 head of Canadian breeding is 1.5 thousand rubles (23 US dollars) compared with the domestic breeding.
Based on the research results, it was recommended that pig farms engaged in breeding and growing domestic
pigs, should strengthen breeding to improve the fattening and meat qualities of pigs. To obtain commercial young
pigs with high fattening and meat qualities, it is recommended to use Canadian pigs more extensively.





Как цитировать

Griksas Styapas Antanovich, Kalashnikov Valery Vasilievich, Dzhanabekova Gulmira Kumiskalievna, Funikov Grigori Albertovich, Ovchinnikov Anatoly Viktorovich, Kulmakova Natalia Ivanovna, Epifanov Victor Gennadiyevich, KhramtsovVitaly Vasilyevich, Sarimbekova Saule Nurgaliyevna, & Erezhepova Makpal Shamakhanovna. (2019). PRODUCTIVITY AND BIOLOGICAL FEATURES OF PIGS OF DOMESTIC AND CANADIAN BREEDING . «Вестник НАН РК», (5), 29–35. извлечено от

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