
  • Abuov Amrekul

Ключевые слова:

globalization, intercultural, ideological, basis, formation, phenomenon.


The current era of globalization is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon. One of its most
important aspects is "the gradual formation of a common human humanitarian: cultural, ideological, moral and
ethical basis, which brings together nations and peoples with different civilizations, histories, traditions and
cultures." In today's globalization, in particular, in the formation of its humanitarian foundations must use the cultural
heritage of all civilizations, which will enrich each nation and the world community, but each nation will always
preserve its language, religion and national values, distinguishing between cultures. Imitating the culture of another
nation, which must remain, means inevitably kneeling. However, in recent times there has been a dominance of only
one dominant power in world civilization. In other words, globalization of "Americanization", which relies on the
financial and economic power of transnational corporations, is gaining momentum. Such a trend does not have a onesided effect in developing countries, as well as in Europe.
Despite the fact that today the concept of globalization is widely known, D.V. Ivanov points out: “The first
signs of a crisis in the global paradigm of change are obvious. By simulating economic integration, the formation of
a transnational bureaucracy, and the growth of multicommunities, the theory of globalization does not describe
similar new trends that emerged in the late twentieth century: the influence of simulations, as well as computer
revolution and cyber.
In general, the concept of globalization in sociology includes a wide range of events and trends: the
development of world ideologies, the intensive struggle for world order; increasing the number and influence of
international organizations, weakening the independence of nation-states; emergence and development of
transnational corporations, growth of international trade; mass migration and creation of multi-communities; the
creation of global media and the invasion of Western culture in all regions of the world, etc.
Despite extensive research by sociologists in the field of the theory of globalization, modern foreign researchers
show that economic and political concepts are widespread. These studies are often supplemented by an analysis of
cultural opportunities, which is associated with the role of the state, the economy and the technological revolution.
Many authors also point out that global competition has negative consequences, even in the Western labor
market. For example, the German sociologist Erich Veda noted that the restriction of world free trade does not
benefit not only Western countries, but also non-capitalist countries. First, poor countries that have lost Western
markets are "forced to feel hatred of the West." Second, globalization allows the West to shift some of its workers to
higher-paying jobs in order to meet external demand. Third, for Western consumers, globalization means lower
prices for many imported goods” [1].
In some of the works of recent years [2], it is hoped that the increase in prosperity will have an indirect effect
on democracy and a direct reduction in the threat of war and conflict.


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Как цитировать

Abuov Amrekul. (2020). GLOBALIZATION AS A PHENOMENON OF CROSS-CULTURAL AND IDEOLOGICAL BASIS FORMATION. Научный журнал «Вестник НАН РК», (4), 235–241. извлечено от