
  • K. Zh. Iskhan Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A. R. Akimbekov Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Animal Breeding and Fodder Production, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • A. D. Baimukanov Russian state agricultural university – Moscow Agricultural academy named after K. A. Timiryazev, Moscow, Russia
  • Kh. A. Aubakirov M. H. Dulati Taraz State University, Taraz, Kazakhstan
  • A. K. Karynbayev M. H. Dulati Taraz State University, Taraz, Kazakhstan
  • T. S. Rzabayev LLP «Aktobe agricultural experimental station», Aktobe, Kazakhstan
  • Mukhatai Geminguli Tarim University of Aral, China, Xinjiang
  • R. Z. Dzhunusova Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty, Kazakhstan
  • K. B. Apeev Kazakh National Agrarian University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

Ключевые слова:

Kazakh horse, riding-Kazakh hybrids, milk, milk yield, early ripeness of foals, growth and development, foals.


It has been established that the riding-Kazakh cross breeds in live weight (403-410 kg) outperform
the local Kazakh horses (395 kg). In height at withers, the English-Kazakh hybrids (148.5±0.7 cm) are greater than
the Arab-Kazakh hybrids (141.2 ± 0.5 cm) and local Kazakh (142.7±0.8 cm). In the chest girth, Arab-Kazakh hybrids
(175.8±0.8 cm), on the contrary, exceed the Anglo-Kazakh hybrids (171.7±1.1 cm) and local Kazakh (171.1±1.2 cm).
The wide-body index for the English-Kazakh hybrids is 115.62, for the local Kazakh horses - 119.90, for the
Arab-Kazakh hybrids - 124.50.
It was established that in riding-Kazakh crossbred mares the daily milk yield for 2-4 months of lactation is
7-10 liters. When transiting mares to 4-5-fold milking from the 2nd month of lactation, foals receive less than 2/3 of
their mother's milk or 4-6 liters per day. To replenish this under-received amount of milk and to ensure the increase
in live weight, the foals ration is additionally included with concentrated feed, hay and green mass.Habituation of
colts to feed started from 1.5 months of age. When they are 2 months of age, young animals already consume feed
very good. During the suckling period, the live weight of foals from dairy mares in the first 6 months increased by
3.96 times, and from non-milking mares - by 4.22 times. The decrease in the level of milk nutrition in young stock
leads to a decrease in the average daily gain.
It was found that, on average, during the lactation, the density of milk at production from local Kazakh mares
was 1.033°A, while the Arab-Kazakh and English-Kazakh had milk density of 1.032°A. The fluctuations in the fat of
the mares of the Kazakh breed for six months of lactation were in the range of 1.1-1.9%, while of the Arab-Kazakh
and English-Kazakh hybrids, respectively, 1.3-2.0% and 1.4-2.2 %. That is, the bloodiness of horses does not have a
significant impact on the indicators of the chemical composition of the mares' milk.





Как цитировать

K. Zh. Iskhan, A. R. Akimbekov, A. D. Baimukanov, Kh. A. Aubakirov, A. K. Karynbayev, T. S. Rzabayev, Mukhatai Geminguli, R. Z. Dzhunusova, & K. B. Apeev. (2019). DAIRY PRODUCTIVITY OF THE KAZAKH HORSE MARES AND THEIR CROSS BREEDS WITH ROADSTERS. «Вестник НАН РК», (3), 22–35. извлечено от https://journals.nauka-nanrk.kz/bulletin-science/article/view/1457